Nexus Repo 3 Logging - Log Viewer

As an admin I want to look at the log viewer and monitor what has been downloaded, uploaded, and changed from Origin IP and User ID. But I cannot figure out which default logger Nexus 3 would show this information.

I see in Logging there are Loggers that come with nexus by default. Their Logger Levels can be set to INFO, ERROR, WARN, DEBUG, TRACE.

I can see that by changing the levels of each Logger I can gain more information.

Does anyone know which logger or how to create a logger that can show IP addresses and User ID when looking at Log Viewer?

You are looking for the request.log which will show both the ip address and the username of requests to Nexus Repository Manager. Currently this isn’t visible in the log viewer, but we might add the ability to view additional log files in the future.

Hi Mmartz
Has the request.log which shows both the ip address and the username of requests to Nexus Repository Manager. Currently visible in the log viewer?
OR which log file in the NEXUS logs can i monitor what has been downloaded and uploaded by which User ID and IP address.?

Hi John,
The request log can not be viewed in the UI; it is part of the data directory (link to Directories help doc).

Per the help, the data directory is found by default at ../sonatype-work/nexus3
The request.log file is found under the log/ directory within the data directory (link to help doc on request.log).

I hope this helps.

Hi Lisa.
Thank you for your response. Do you know if the request.log shows the user ID and IP of a user and what they are downloading / uploading to and from Nexus?

All I personally know is what I’ve documented: “Log messages include information such as date/time, client IP, authenticated user id, user-agent header value, response status code, bytes sents, and total response time.”

So certainly at least ID and IP

The log viewer was updated a little while back to show logs other than just the nexus.log including the request.log I believe. The log viewer is disabled when running in HA mode however.