Nexus repository cluster mode (high available ) with out k8s

I have read nexus documentation about resiliency-and-high-availability and I have understood :

  • Nexus can run only on kubernetes for Node with Dynamic Failover
  • There is a legacy mode but the problem is that the DB is local to instance (OrientDB) not shared

Could you please tell me if there is a solution for a classic architecture with :
* Classic LB
* 2 application instances
* External DB postgresal
* External blob storage (NFS)

thank you

There are two High Availability features for Nexus Repository Pro, the legacy “HA-C” and the new “High Availability” clustering feature which is launching soon. It will be possible to use new HA without k8s, but it means that you will need another solution for managing nodes (shutting down a degraded node, standing up a new instance).