Nexus Repository Manager 3.x - Experimental .deb

How do I use it?
Very carefully. :wink: This Debian Installer is very much un-tested, and shared with the goal of finding out how it can be improved - and because Vincent asked for it.

initial installation:

sudo apt-get install ./nexus-installer-3.15.2-01-linux-deb.deb

This will install into /opt/sonatype/

The installer does NOT setup daemon links. If you want to run Nexus Repository Manager as a service, after running the installer you need to run the following commands.
see: Run As A Service

sudo ln -s /opt/sonatype/nexus-3.15.2-01/bin/nexus /etc/init.d/nexus
sudo update-rc.d nexus defaults
sudo service nexus start

Where do I get this?
This .deb file: nexus-installer-3.15.2-01-linux-deb.deb

To do some ā€œupgradeā€ testing, you can use this newer .deb file: nexus-installer-3.16.1-02-linux-deb.deb

Who can I contact about it?
This installer is not officially supported. Please report any issues you find by commenting on this topic (do not report to Sonatype Support).



Thanks to Vincent for giving this installer a spin. Some feedback follows:

  • We gave it a spin and it worked fine. the one thing thatā€™s hard to test, obviously, is the upgrade transition because thereā€™s not a second package to test with and i hadnā€™t spent time to explode the deb, increment the control information and modify the folder structure and repackage it.

    Good point! Iā€™ll try to put another .deb installer here when the next release ships to help with testing ā€œupgradeā€.

New .deb installer link added to original topic (for ā€œupgradeā€ testing).