How do I use it?
Very carefully. This Debian Installer is very much un-tested, and shared with the goal of finding out how it can be improved - and because Vincent asked for it.
initial installation:
sudo apt-get install ./nexus-installer-3.15.2-01-linux-deb.deb
This will install into /opt/sonatype/
The installer does NOT setup daemon links. If you want to run Nexus Repository Manager as a service, after running the installer you need to run the following commands.
see: Run As A Service
sudo ln -s /opt/sonatype/nexus-3.15.2-01/bin/nexus /etc/init.d/nexus
sudo update-rc.d nexus defaults
sudo service nexus start
Where do I get this?
This .deb file: nexus-installer-3.15.2-01-linux-deb.deb
To do some āupgradeā testing, you can use this newer .deb file: nexus-installer-3.16.1-02-linux-deb.deb
Who can I contact about it?
This installer is not officially supported. Please report any issues you find by commenting on this topic (do not report to Sonatype Support).