Nexus repository OSS vs PRO


I am considering setting up a Nexus repository, and we anticipate approximately 250 developers to use it, with the need to download Docker files of 1TB or more. I am curious about any limitations on the number of users and storage capacity in both the OSS and PRO versions.

Looking at the provided link, it appears that all architectures except Architecture 1 are in the PRO version. In our case, I’m wondering if we need to configure multiple instances of Architecture 1 or if it’s possible to have multiple repositories. I also want to know if there are limitations on the number of users and storage capacity in both the OSS and PRO versions.

Thank you.

Hello! There are no enforced limits in either edition, but if you’re using this as a system of record, it’s important to have an appropriate deployment that will give you the stability and performance you organization needs.

In particular, we don’t recommend being on an embedded database beyond 20,000 requests per day or 100,000 components as we have seen corruption accumulate with workloads that have a lot of concurrency. That corruption can lead to some components being unavailable, or in some cases long-lasting system outages. The embedded database mode is good for disposable deployments like edge caches, or single team deployments where concurrency is low.

Apart from that, the external database that you get with Pro means you can do hot backups, which means you can back up very frequently in order to have a very good recovery point objective (RPO).