Nexus repository pro connection with PostgreSQL

I am trying to make a connection nexus repository with PostgreSQL but connection fail every time

Error: 2021-08-20 17:25:04,563+0500 ERROR [FelixStartLevel] *SYSTEM com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool - nexus - Exception during pool initialization.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.

I have tried the EKS use-case mentioned in nexus documentation it’s not showing any error but Postgres not attach with nexus

is there any resources or guideline for Postgres connection with nexus repo pro?

Hi Muhammad,
You can find information on ho wto configure your Nexus Repository database connection in our documentation: Configuring Nexus Repository Pro for H2 or PostgreSQL
Please let us know if you still have any problems.

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Thanks @dsawa article was very helpful
I have successfully connected nexus with RDS PostgreSQL. but the issue I’m facing, I am trying to connect two ec2 sonatype with the same PostgreSQL. but the data upload from EC2-A is not visible to EC2-B until I don’t restart the nexus
in simple I’m trying to make an active-active approach.

Unfortunately that is correct, because active-active deployment model is not supported yet. We are designing new active-active model that will be available in the future.


Oh sure waiting for this feature
Thanks for the help