Nexus rest search for multiple groups in a repository

Hello All,

My goal is to get jar files from all groups inside a specific repository.

My query =

curl -u admin:password -X GET ‘https://mynexus3.internal/service/rest/v1/search?repository=maven-repo1&group=abc-workspace.modules&maven.extension=jar&maven.classifier

curl -u admin:password -sSl -X GET https://mynexus3.internal/service/rest/v1/search/assets -d repository=maven-repo1 -d maven.extension=jar

This commands are unable to show me the jar files under group1.subfolder.subfolder , group2.subfolder.subfolder and so on under group maven-repo1.

I tried multiple ways to get the jar files from all groups & subfolders inside my maven repo but it is not working.

I am on Sonatype Nexus Repository ManagerOSS 3.36.0-0 version.
Any thoughts how can I achieve this using curl command? Thanks.


Nested folders aren’t part of a Maven group so those search queries won’t include them.

You may be able to parse the HTML browse documents, i.e. http://{nexus}/service/rest/repository/browse/{repositoryName}/