Nothing happend vhen I click on "execue" on page 'API' : /v1/security/ldap Create LDAP server -- v: 3.56.0-01

I try to create a LDAP accès from the API page of nexus3

here is the page :frowning:

but, when I clique on the button, nothing happend.
below the complete body :

“name”: “xxxxx”,
“protocol”: “LDAPS”,
“useTrustStore”: false,
“host”: “xxxxx”,
“port”: 636,
“searchBase”: “DC=xxxx,DC=net”,
“authScheme”: “SIMPLE”,
“authRealm”: null,
“authUsername”: “CN=xxxxx,OU=users,OU=systeme,OU=corpo,DC=xxxxx,DC=net”,
“connectionTimeoutSeconds”: 30,
“connectionRetryDelaySeconds”: 300,
“maxIncidentsCount”: 3,
“userBaseDn”: null,
“userSubtree”: true,
“userObjectClass”: “user”,
“userLdapFilter”: null,
“userIdAttribute”: “sAMAccountName”,
“userRealNameAttribute”: “cn”,
“userEmailAddressAttribute”: “mail”,
“userPasswordAttribute”: null,
“ldapGroupsAsRoles”: true,
“groupType”: “DYNAMIC”,
“groupBaseDn”: “cn=users”,
“groupSubtree”: false,
“groupObjectClass”: “user”,
“groupIdAttribute”: “cn”,
“groupMemberAttribute”: “uniqueMember”,
“groupMemberFormat”: “${username}”,
“userMemberOfAttribute”: “memberOf”,
“authPassword”: “xxxxx”

ps : I obtain all the information by API ( /v1/security/ldap/{name} Get LDAP server) on an other instance where the ldap is OK ans was created forn the LDAP page.
Can someone help me ?