November 2023 Learn Package - Nexus Repository Instance Improvements

Hello Learners!

Our Learn Package for November is all about Sonatype Nexus Repository instance improvements. Think resiliency, high availability, automated tasks, backups, and everything that makes your instance more stable. Read on to learn more about our new, updated, and existing resources.

Video: High Availability for Sonatype Nexus Repository Part 1

In this first installment in a series, we briefly review what Resiliency and High Availability are and achieve, highlighting the benefits in simple, direct language. It’s a great way to start a conversation about whether or not your Nexus Repository deployment gives you control over your software supply chain.

Video: Have You Heard about Sonatype’s Nexus Repository Pro Capabilities?

Sonatype’s Nexus Repository Pro users have access to several exciting features that enhance their experience with the product. This video walks users through some of the most noteworthy capabilities.

Advice Article: Highly Available in Helsinki

This month, Sloan answers a question from someone who’s struggling to explain why High Availability is such an important deployment goal. Disruptions have costs, and those costs can snowball. But High Availability can control those costs by making disruptions less likely.

Checklist: Upgrading from Nexus Repository OSS to Nexus Repository Pro Checklist

A quick list of common pitfalls and settings to review when upgrading from Nexus OSS to Pro. Following this list will help you avoid some of the most common problems and pitfalls with Nexus Repository.

Updated Resources

Workshop Data Sheets: Nexus Repository Installation Quickstart and Nexus Repository Health Check

Repo Installation Quick Start (1).pdf (967.8 KB)
Repo Health Check.pdf (1.0 MB)

As a best practice, we recommend that Nexus Repository Pro customers take advantage of our professional services workshops. To support this, we updated the copy, format, and branding for these core Nexus Repository workshop offerings.

Existing Resources

Thank you and happy learning!


The Sonatype Customer Education Team