Happy Tuesday and happy November, all! This month, we have four new items for you over on Learn. No single theme this month, but we’ve got tons of content for Nexus Repository users, including a full course (three lessons and a knowledge check) on Staging and Tagging, plus a quick primer on Resiliency and High Availability. Typosquatting is in the news (again), so we also have a lesson on identifying these sorts of attacks. Check the details below!
High Availability & Resiliency in Sonatype Nexus Repository lesson: Establish control, reliability, and stability within your Sonatype Nexus Repository instance by taking advantage of resilient and high availability architecture. We’ll define what “resilient” and “high availability” mean in the context of software development and explain how implementing these architectures can positively impact the Software Development Lifecycle within your organization.
Nexus Repository Pro: Features & Functionality lesson: With a suite of unrivaled features aimed at accelerating enterprise DevOps pipeline and artifact management, it’s no surprise Fortune 100 companies are choosing Nexus Repository Pro to reinforce secure, reliable controls across development and operations. In this lesson, we’ll outline exactly what sets it apart.
How to Avoid Typosquatting Attacks lesson: Typosquatting is one of the most common types of supply chain attacks. But people fall prey to these attacks often since they rely on our natural tendencies for typographical errors. Learning to spot the tactics used is the best way to stay a step ahead of these attacks.
Staging and Tagging inside Nexus Repository course: Inside Nexus Repository, staging and tagging are two capabilities that give users precise control over release management. In this course, we give some examples of how the features can be used, walk you through how to set up a simple workflow for yourself, and even share some best practices!