NXRM 3.16 now bundled with OpenJDK 8

With this release, all of our JRE bundled NXRM 3 releases will now ship using an OpenJDK 8 JRE (more specifically Zulu), putting them on par with our Docker images that have been using OpenJDK 8 since 3.15.2. Also our testing harnesses for NXRM have been updated to use OpenJDK, as this is now our primary supported JRE. Keep in mind that the Oracle JRE should still function properly as noted in quote below, but it is no longer our primary focus.

:information_source: As noted in https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/faster-and-easier-use-and-redistribution-of-java-se:
“While we know there will initially be differences, our intent is that within a few releases there should be no technical differences between OpenJDK builds and Oracle JDK binaries. To achieve this, Oracle will work with other OpenJDK contributors on an open build-and-test infrastructure with the potential to support additional ports.”

Though all aspects of NXRM 3 are now fully on OpenJDK (and will eventually push forward into OpenJDK 11 and beyond), keep in mind that NXRM 2 release bundles will still ship with the Oracle 8 bundled JRE, and we have no plans to change this in the future. As a convenience, however, the NXRM 2 Docker images have been updated to use OpenJDK 8 and are available as of the NXRM 2.14.12 release.

:exclamation: With the switch from Oracle to OpenJDK, a different default trust store will be in place that will likely affect your SSL connections in NXRM 2 and 3; it is highly recommended to validate connectivity.