NXRM3 Rest API not working, returning 404

I have a Java/maven project and using the nxrm3 to release the project (jar) into self-hosted NXRM3.

The maven settings to the repository is correct (I can upload jar manually and then use it as dependency on another project connecting to the private repository)

So now, I am trying to push an artifact to it with:

mvn -X -Preleases install nxrm3:staging-deploy -Dtag=test-123

It can’t seem to connect to the repository REST API:

Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.plugins:nxrm3-maven-plugin:1.0.3:staging-deploy (default-cli) on project mycompany-nxrm3-test: Create tag was unsuccessful (404 response from server)

When I login to NXRM3 UI and see the logging, it reaches the server but it cant seem to find the REST API, the log shows:

20-04-08 23:12:08,780+0000 ERROR [qtp1174629612-161] *UNKNOWN com.sonatype.analytics.internal.filter.AnalyticsMeteringFilter - Error metering request RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path: protocol://nxrm3.mycompany.com/service/rest/v1/tags/build-123
2020-04-08 23:12:08,787+0000 WARN [qtp1174629612-161] developeruser org.sonatype.nexus.siesta.internal.WebappExceptionMapper - (ID 7afbd1db-93c3-487c-a843-61fddcdd720c) Response: [404] (no entity/body); mapped from: javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException: RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path: protocol://nxrm3.mycompany.com/service/rest/v1/tags/build-123
2020-04-08 23:12:08,846+0000 ERROR [qtp1174629612-148] *UNKNOWN com.sonatype.analytics.internal.filter.AnalyticsMeteringFilter - Error metering request RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path: protocol://nxrm3.mycompany.com/service/rest/v1/tags
2020-04-08 23:12:08,848+0000 WARN [qtp1174629612-148] developeruser org.sonatype.nexus.siesta.internal.WebappExceptionMapper - (ID 4c9d157b-fe87-4964-827f-377355eb7512) Response: [404] (no entity/body); mapped from: javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException: RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path: protocol://nxrm3.mycompany.com/service/rest/v1/tags

what am I missing?

I had to replace https: with protocol because the forum not allowing me to put links

Are you a licensed customer?

If so reminding you’re entitled to file a support ticket as part of your license.
If not, the staging and tagging portions of NXRM3 are professional (licensed) only.

I’m having this same issue on OSS 3.24.0-02, including using the latest Docker image and we’re not attempting to use NXRM3 in any way, yet this error is cropping up and causing our Nexus server to go offline for circa 10 minutes at a time.

2020-06-09 17:38:55,019+0000 WARN [qtp22457663-656] *UNKNOWN org.sonatype.nexus.siesta.internal.WebappExceptionMapper - (ID 915b162b-d3c9-4fa1-8f04-109b2534a5a6) Response: [404] (no entity/body); mapped from: javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException: Path not found

I could be wrong but that doesn’t seem like the same trace to me.
If so, probably better to post anew.
I have no idea though other than that. I am curious if this was an issue post-upgrade or if you’re totally new to Nexus Repository Manager.