We’re running 2 standalone Nexus OSS installations.
Currently it is Nexus/3.70.1-02 (OSS).
I ran the following command to check the health status of the database before I can try the Migration to H2:
java --add-exports=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx16G -Xms16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=28672M -jar nexus-db-migrator-3.70.1-03.jar --healthcheck --debug --yes
The check finishes, but leaves me errors:
11:08:11 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - Check of storage completed in 9606ms. without errors.
11:08:11 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - Checking db cluster consistency for errors...
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - Check storage: OK
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - Check clusters consistency: OK
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - 0 component duplicates found
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - 41 asset duplicates found
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - 0 browse nodes duplicates found
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - ------------------------------------------------------------
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - Database integrity: BROKEN
11:08:15 [main] INFO c.s.n.d.m.tasklet.HealthCheckTasklet - ------------------------------------------------------------
The second installation has even more duplicates in ‘asset’.
Now I’m stuck here, any advice how to proceed would be much appreciated!