Permission control,specific components can only be accessed and downloaded by specific users

I want to implement that specific components can only be accessed and downloaded by specific users.
I configured a content selector that can only access one component .

I configured a privilege that contained the content selector.

I configured a role which has the privilege.

I configured a user which has the role above.

When I login in with the user I configured,It shows the message :
You have requested an operation which requires validation of your credentials. I can not see the component.

Why ? How to solve this problem? Have I forgotten something?

Hi Caiyan,

It sounds like you did everything correct. However, if that Content Selector privilege is the only privilege granted to the user it would mean the user has no privilege to use the UI. Furthermore, the screenshot you have attached shows you are trying to display User Management page - are you sure your user (alipaySdkJava17128ReadUser) has administrator privileges to browse users?