privileges not working after resetting admin access

Nexus OSS 3.12.0-01

I had accidentally deleted the admin role mapped to AD, got the LDAP authentication working again as per this thread.

Following is the process I am using:

  1. There is a repository named fuma-components which should be accessed only by a couple of users
  2. I created a Nexus role viz. admin-fuma-components which has privileges like nx-blobstores-read, nx-repository-admin-maven2-fuma-components-*, nx-repository-view-maven2-fuma-components-browse etc.
  3. Assigned this role to AD users who need access to the repository

This approach worked fine for months till I faced the admin lock-out issue yesterday and got it working. Now the privileges and roles don’t work at all:

  1. I gave one of the users the privilege of ‘nx-admin’, still he can neither see any repository or upload artifacts to those repos.
  2. even if I create duplicate roles for the same repos. and assign those the users, they still cannot see or access the repositories. I cannot see any exceptions in the nexus.log either.

What steps did you take? If you ran “delete from realm” it would have removed the LDAP security realm. You’ll need to go to “security/realms” in the admin UI and add the LDAP security realm back into the list of configured realms.