Problem updating to Nexus IQ Server 100

I’ve updated our Nexus IQ testsystem to version 100. Restarting the server I’ve detected an exception, related to this SQL:

Caused by: org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.ReportingSQLException: Unique index or primary key violation: “PRIMARY_KEY_4E ON ““insight_brain_ods””.”“perpetual_lock”"("“perpetual_lock_id”") VALUES ( /* 2 */ ‘source-control-access-c78943f1’ )"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO insight_brain_ods.perpetual_lock (perpetual_lock_id, expiration_time, owner) VALUES (?, ?, ?) [23505-196] {prepstmnt 1915502607 INSERT INTO insight_brain_ods.perpetual_lock (perpetual_lock_id, expiration_time, owner) VALUES (?, ?, ?)} [code=23505, state=23505]

The SQL was rolled back, so the application itself did not produce any erroneous behaviour, as far as I could see. Is this something to worry about?

According to the sonatype support this seems to be a bug, which will be fixed shortly, but does not cause any serious problems, as it occurs just ones after update.
