I have been happily using Nexus Repository Manager OSS as the APT proxy for my Ubuntu systems for a few years. I have 2 apt (proxy) repositories created - one for “http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/” and the other for “http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/”. It has all been working fine for the 5 recent Ubuntu releases, but trying to use Nexus OSS with the latest Ubuntu (21.10, impish indri) fails, i.e. after the usual modification of the /etc/apt/sources.list file to point to my Nexus OSS proxy, the apt update works fine, but apt upgrade fails with error “502 Bad Gateway”. The very same apt proxies work perfectly fine for the previous Ubuntu releases, it is only the Ubuntu 21.10 which is failing…
The nexus.log shows a bunch of warnings, when running the apt upgrade command:
2021-11-05 18:34:32,973+0000 WARN [qtp791584833-719] *UNKNOWN org.sonatype.nexus.repository.apt.orient.internal.proxy.OrientAptProxyFacet - Exception java.io.IOException: Invalid debian package: no control file checking remote for update, proxy repo apt-test-proxy failed to fetch pool/main/u/util-linux/bsdutils_2.36.1-8ubuntu2_amd64.deb, content not in cache.
Running apt update / apt upgrade on the Ubuntu 21.10 without the Nexus proxy works fine.
Any idea why the apt upgrade fails ? I am using the latest Nexus OSS (nexus-3.36.0-01).
mbucher1@unicron:~$ ar t bsdutils_2.36.1-7ubuntu2_amd64.deb
mbucher1@unicron:~$ ar t bsdutils_2.36.1-8ubuntu1_amd64.deb