Proxying PyPi and prefetching index

I’m trying to proxy repository as a PyPi proxy. However it doesn’t support /simple endpoint. Is there a workaround for such repos?

is it possible for nexus to pre-fetch the index without the artifacts so we know that connection is successful?

the custom URLs for pypi seem to be missing feature [NEXUS-29223] PyPi proxy use indexes that use other than /simple/ - Sonatype JIRA

What about pre-fetching the index for proxy repos?

Our proxy support implements PEP 503 which defines the path simple.

Its odd that this Alpine site claims to follow PEP 503 but doesn’t use the path defined in the spec.

I’ve raised this with the owner too. support `/simple/` index · Issue #814 · alpine-wheels/index · GitHub

If I register this repo as a raw proxy and reference it via Pip, it all works. However I can’t create a group of raw and pypi proxies together.

@mpiggott What about prefetching? Do you know if Nexus OSS can do this or is on roadmap?

I’m not sure what you mean by prefetching.

I mean listing the index without downloading the artefacts.

Nexus Repo doesn’t do this now for any format. I have no insight into the roadmap.