Report Page paging

In Nexus IQ release 95 we have introduced a paging mechanism to the Report Page section. The main objective of this change was to improve the overall performance of this section.

Previous to this change the view retrieved all applications the user has permissions to view, for large scale customers with the ability to potentially view hundreds or even thousands of applications, this could lead to a large resource burden providing the initial view and often unnecessary.

The introduction of an additive paged view removes the performance burden when landing on this page. Pages are added to the view in batches of 50 applications. Additionally, making use of the search feature and sorting options can further reduce the time to get to your applications that matter.

A representative view of the report paging can be seen in the following screenshots:

What if my results aren’t on the first few pages?
You also have the option to use the filter and sorting features to get to your intended application.

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