I am running into the following error while uploading the artifacts to staging repository. Any help is appreciated.
Uploaded: https://oss.sonatype.org:443/service/local/staging/deployByRepositoryId/comgithubjitsni-1022/com/github/jitsni/mseven6/0.15/mseven6-0.15.pom.asc (529 B at 5.8 KB/sec)
[INFO] * Upload of locally staged artifacts finished.
[INFO] * Closing staging repository with ID "comgithubjitsni-1022".
Waiting for operation to complete...
[ERROR] Rule failure while trying to close staging repository with ID "comgithubjitsni-1022".
[ERROR] Nexus Staging Rules Failure Report
[ERROR] ==================================
[ERROR] Repository "comgithubjitsni-1022" failures
[ERROR] Rule "operation-failed" failures
[ERROR] * Operation has failed; repository has 1 activity notifications
[ERROR] Cleaning up local stage directory after a Rule failure during close of staging repositories: [comgithubjitsni-1022]