Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.72.0 Released

Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.72.0 is now available.

This is the first release to which those using High Availability (HA) deployments may upgrade without downtime (i.e., rolling upgrades, zero-downtime upgrades). To do so, you must explicitly enable rolling upgrades in your 3.71.0 instance. Read more in the help docs!

This release also introduces changes to Search functionality in HA deployments; HA deployments now have a default limit of 10 trips to the database to return a search result set. You can modify this limit using a new capability.

We also want to give you a heads up that, beginning in November 2024 , deployments using a PostgreSQL database will require PostgreSQL version 14 or newer.

Full details are available in the 3.72.0 Release Notes.

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I just downloaded the new version and I always make a diff to the previous to check if any of the properties I need to change are changed (eg INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE). What I saw in the new version confused me, so I was hoping to get some clarity on this…

diff -r nexus-3.71.0-06/bin/nexus nexus-3.72.0-04/bin/nexus
< # Short-Description: nexus
> # Short-Description: nexus.java11plus
<   if [ "$ver_major" -lt "17" ]; then
>   if [ "$ver_major" -lt "1" ]; then
>   elif [ "$ver_major" -eq "1" ]; then
>     if [ "$ver_minor" -lt "8" ]; then
>       return;
>     fi
<   echo The version of the JVM must be 17.
>   echo The version of the JVM must be at least 1.8 and at most 17.

Are Java 1.8 & 11 supported again? But then why is the name of the program nexus.java11plus?

I guess what I really want to know is, can I safely upgrade my instance or will some of the things I had to change for the previous update (like switching to H2) break in this update?

The file you’re referencing is generated, but Java 11 and Java 17 share some configuration hence the 11plus name.

We only test with Java 17 now, and I would expect future releases of Nexus to only be compiled for Java 17.

The download archive says that 3.72.0 requires Java 17 and Postgres. Neither of those requirements is a problem. Swapping out Java 8 for Java 17 on my Nexus VM will be simple. And I have a Postgres server available. But my Nexus database is currently running on MariaDB (MySQL). Do you have any tools that will allow me to migrate to Postgres? Thanks :slight_smile:

Nexus has never supported mariadb/mysql

Did anybody tried using rolling updates feature in 3.72?