Hi there,
I tried to migrate my artefacts from Nexus 3.11 to nexus 3.25.1. To do that I wrote a simple Python Script, that download my artefacts from a given repository, and then push them into my new Nexus.
But my artefacts are multi assets, and then, when I tried to upload the artefacts, it return a 400 error.
Looking to the log I can see this kind of message
The assets 13 and 14 have identical coordinates
This is what my function looks like
Is there some params I can use in my POST request to force upload ?
Thx for your help
Vincent JOBARD
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Hi Vincent,
I had the same issue and I finally fix with something like below
you need to add a classifier
payload = {
'maven2.groupId': (None, each_comp['group']),
'maven2.artifactId': (None, each_comp['name']),
'maven2.version': (None, each_comp['version']),
'maven2.generate-pom': (None, 'false'),
def fill_payload():
url = f'{NEXUS_FROM}/service/rest/v1/components?repository={args.repo}' + '&continuationToken=' + token
while True: # somehitng to keep pagination
response = session.get(url, verify=False)
data = response.json()
for each in data['items']:
for asset_req in each['assets']:
payload[f'maven2.asset{count_asset}'] = (filename, asset_req.content)
payload[f'maven2.asset{count_asset}.extension'] = (None, asset['maven2']['extension'])
if 'classifier' in asset['maven2'].keys(): #from API component list
payload[f'maven2.asset{count_asset}.classifier'] = (None, asset['maven2']['classifier'])
def send_to_nexus_dest(payload):
url = f'{NEXUS_DEST}/service/rest/v1/components'
params = (
('repository', args.repo),
response = session.post(url,
allow_redirects = False,
params = params,
files = payload,
timeout = 200,
verify = False,
headers = {'Connection':'close'})
logging.debug(f'Upload Response : {response}')
return True