TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms

Used software
Sonatype Nexus Repository
Version 3.54.1-01
Edition: OSS
Build Revision: 1d4cfb6677ff22546a9484428082eb35a10dbf24
Docker image: moby/buildkit:v0.11.3

Hi community.
We are using Sonatype Nexus Repository in our internal CI infrastructure as a Docker registry along with Docker moby/buildkit:v0.11.3. We have faced with issue: TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms during the build of docker image and deploy it into Nexus.
The issue is reproducible and how the workflow looks like:

  1. Buildkit opens connection to Nexus
  2. Buildkit trying to validate cache
  3. For existing docker image cache is not valid because it uses the latest tag and there is a newer version on docker.io.
  4. Buildkit starts to pull image from docker.io
  5. At this time Nexus drops the opened Buildkit connection from step 1 with error:
2023-11-15 12:19:12,433+0000 WARN  [qtp670308789-261495] *UNKNOWN org.sonatype.nexus.repository.docker.internal.V2Handlers - Error: PUT /v2/some-docker-image/blobs/uploads/d5361d34-edb9-4814-bd9b-91186048436c
org.sonatype.nexus.blobstore.api.BlobStoreException: BlobId: path$nexus-repository-docker/d5361d34-edb9-4814-bd9b-91186048436c/7721a36c-0a88-4b1a-80f8-918e23a68958, java.io.IOException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms, Cause: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Idle timeout expired: 30000/30000 ms

Please keep in mind - we don’t have any proxy servers or other network firewalls etc. between Nexus and Buildkit.
The question is how we can solve the issue or how can we increase this timeout on Nexus side?

Thank you for advice.

Set up jetty.http.timeout=600000 in /nexus-data/etc/nexus.properties file solve the problem.