Total downloads of NuGet-package are significantly different in than in Nexus proxy-repo

Hello, good people!
If we go to and search for package “Newtonsoft.Json” (version 12.0.3) we can see total download counter: 456 906 908

In our Nexus which proxies we can see the same package of the same version only 314 536 665 download.

Why is there so huge difference? (about 140kk)
Can we somehow get actual download counter?
Also it will be cool if dependencies and git metada become functional URLs like in nuget-gallery. Do you planning realisation of this in nearest future?

That would be because you are browsing your own proxy that acts as a cache to and once the package and its attributes was stored it will remain unchanged.

Hi @dsawa,
Thank you for your reply, I’ve got that.

But second question still remains:
It will be cool if dependencies and git metada become functional URLs like in nuget-gallery. Do you planning realisation of this in nearest future?

That would be because you are browsing your own proxy that acts as a cache to and once the package and its attributes was stored it will remain unchanged.

No, I don’t recall seeing this on our roadmap. Feel free to file an improvement ticket in our JIRA