Transitive Scan for Maven with Jenkins-Plugin


how to proceed so that in a Maven project also the transitive dependencies are listed in Nexus IQ?
We scan the pom.xml contained in the project in a Jenkins build with Jenkins IQ plugin, however only the direct dependencies are shown to us in IQ. Is there anything to consider here?

Hi Marcus,

Yes, there is something else to consider. It is called clm for maven. It’s a maven plugin. Just add it to your pom, and call the goal. There are two goals available. They are “evaluate” and “index”. How to decide which one to use is to determine if you plan to use it in an existing CI or run it by itself. The “evaluate” goal triggers a Nexus IQ Server evaluation. The “index” goal is best used when you are also using the Nexus Platform Plugin for Jenkins. The “index” goal prepares the data for analysis by the Nexus Platform Plugin for Jenkins.

To find out more, please read Sonatype CLM for Maven

Kind Regards,