Unable to delete S3 Blob store in NXRM 3.18

Hello everyone,
I’m having an issue with the S3 blob store feature.
I tried to setup a new S3 blob store with our Corporate AWS. When I first created the blob store, it successfully created the bucket in S3, however I saw that it threw a quick error.
I was not able to upload anything to that blob store, so I finally decided to remove it for now.
When I try to remove the blob store (no repositories are using it), it throws an error: “Invalid state: FAILED; allowed: [STARTED]”.
Also, if I try to modify the blob store, I get this error: “Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: 7EAE4D315F6C6FBA; S3 Extended Request ID: D4Yr0bSMwIBIcOxuP7SfpaDrQpntB5E7XIoesqOT405OU9KYfDO” I am not filling the Authentication fields, as we don’t have any access key id or secret keys, we just use the instace profile.
Is there any option to remove the blob store from Nexus? I can manually delete the bucket in S3, but I don’t know how to force the removal of the blob store.
Thanks in advance.

Seems like you’re running into https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/NEXUS-20441.
Normally you can remove an unused blobstore, so I suspect it’s just that (or another) bug. Hard to tell it’s another with that one floating, at least with the level of detail provided.