Upgrade from OSS 3.12.0-01 to 3.25.1-04


currently we are using NXRM OSS 3.12.0-01 and we are planning to move to 3.25.1-04
can we go with this upgrade directly or we need to go first 3.13–3.14 till 3.25.


Yes, you can upgrade directly to the latest version. I recommend upgrading to the latest available version rather than just 3.25.1-04 unless there’s a reason preventing you from using the latest version.


Thank you for the reply.we can plan for the latest need to confirm with the team.
i have one other query related to upgrade.i was referring the upgrade document.
As per the document once the new media is download. we just need to make the changes in nexus.vmoptions. which means we just need to use the this option of old version to the new one once zip is extracted.my question is in the vmoptions where is the details of database which it has to connect or need to refer this.
i mean once the new media is start using how it will refer to the db of the old media.
will be good if you can help in understanding this.


There is no configuration for database connection, because NXRM comes with an embedded database that will be used, and in fact the data directory that you will keep has all the necessary information already. This is when you perform the upgrade in-place as described in preparing the new install.

iam referring the same link and yes it use embedded db which is orient.
Before upgrade we will be backing the data directory as recommended.
my query is when we unzip/tar will not this replace all the file and folder with new one and then it will create new db embedded one.
or should we just remove the old version data directory and then unzip/tar the new media and from the old one just replace nexus.vmoption.

also the current db repo is at version 2 schema and we are planning to move this to 3 also will be happy to hear the approach for db migration also if you can share some thoughts on this.
