URL couldn’t be downloaded RealmSwift/0.93.1/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500

when I use nexus-cocoapods-repository manager to “pod install RealmSwift”,I get the message like this. Same with the issue in “RealmSwift: Removed new line char "\n" from "version" by ugurcicekfidan · Pull Request #14429 · CocoaPods/Specs · GitHub
Anyone knows how to solve that?
" CDN: xxx-repository-cocoapods-proxy Repo update failed - 7 error(s):
CDN: xxx-repository-cocoapods-proxy URL couldn’t be downloaded:
xxxx/repository/cocoapods-proxy/Specs/9/4/5/RealmSwift/0.92.1/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500
CDN: xxx-repository-cocoapods-proxy URL couldn’t be downloaded: xxx/repository/cocoapods-proxy/Specs/9/4/5/RealmSwift/0.92.2/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500
CDN: xxx-cocoapods-proxy URL couldn’t be downloaded: xxxx/repository/cocoapods-proxy/Specs/9/4/5/RealmSwift/0.92.3/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500
CDN: xxxx-repository-cocoapods-proxy URL couldn’t be downloaded: xxxx
/repository/cocoapods-proxy/Specs/9/4/5/RealmSwift/0.92.4/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500
CDN: xxxx-repository-cocoapods-proxy URL couldn’t be downloaded: https://xxxx/repository/cocoapods-proxy/Specs/9/4/5/RealmSwift/0.93.0/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500
CDN: xxxx-repository-cocoapods-proxy URL couldn’t be downloaded:
/xxxx/repository/cocoapods-proxy/Specs/9/4/5/RealmSwift/0.93.1/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500
CDN: xxxx-repository-cocoapods-proxy URL couldn’t be downloaded:
xxxx/repository/cocoapods-proxy/Specs/9/4/5/RealmSwift/0.93.2/RealmSwift.podspec.json Response: 500"

Did you try such approach Removed new line char "\n" from "version" by ugurcicekfidan · Pull Request #52 · sonatype/nexus-public · GitHub?

@iudovika Thanks,but it seems that this PR has not been merged to master yet :smiley:
So the solution is to use the outcome by building the project and generating the bin nexus right?

Not exactly. Problem was in remote Cocoapods repo and seems it was fixed there. So you just need to refetch spec file from remote. On NXRM side you just need to delete wrong spec file(s) or invalidate repo cache. On Dev/CI machine you also need clear cache(delete wrong spec files). They are in two places: ${HOME}/Library/Caches/CocoaPods, ${HOME}/.cocoapods/repos/ . Of cause you can wait until PR(mentioned above) will be merged or problem will be fixed in some another way.

Maybe is best for the Cocoapos repo to fix it, although i can delete wrong spec locally, but when i pod install, it still will fetch wrong spec to cause error. Specs/RealmSwift.podspec.json at master · CocoaPods/Specs · GitHub
Maybe i will try build the PR project to release NXRM for temporary usage.Thanks