Having successfully transitioned my native host deployment of NXRM to run inside a docker container (see here), I decided to embark upon the same process for my IQ server.
My objective is to run IQ Server in a docker container, whilst retaining existing scan results and configuration established through deploying IQ on my native host machine. I also need to reference the same key-store and config.yml, thus ensuring a seamless transition from native to docker container deployment.
I referenced the /sonatype/nexus-iq-server instructions to achieve my objective.
The command to run IQ inside a docker container and achieve the aforementioned objectives is:
docker run -d -p 8070:8070 -p 8433:8433 --name nexus-iq -v /native-host-install-dir/sonatype-work/clm-server:/sonatype-work -v /nxrm-native-host-install-dir/etc/ssl/:/etc/ssl -v /native-host-install-dir/:/etc/nexus-iq-server -e JAVA_OPTS="-Ddw.sonatypeWork=/sonatype-work" Kevins-MBP.home:18080/sonatype/nexus-iq-server
The nexus related arguments are explained below:
-v /native-host-install-dir/sonatype-work/clm-server:/sonatype-work
The docker image references /sonatype work. This volume mounts the location of the sonatype-work used on my native IQ installation with the docker image mount point. -
-v /nxrm-native-host-install-dir/etc/ssl/:/etc/ssl
The docker image references /etc/ssl/keystore.jks when connecting using SSL. This volume mounts the location of the keystore used on my native NXRM installation with the docker image mount point. -
-v /native-host-install-dir/:/etc/nexus-iq-server
The docker image references /etc/nexus-iq-server in order to find config.yml. This volume mounts the location of the native IQ installation with the docker image mount point. -
-e JAVA_OPTS="-Ddw.sonatypeWork=/sonatype-work"
Having identified the native installation of config.yml to the docker container, I need to explicitly override the value of the sonatypeWork configuration parameter contained therein. -
This demonstrates that the docker image that I will run is the one that I have cached in Nexus Repository Manager.