Waivers not applied for a Nexus containers scan

I have a java test application containing a vulnerable component:

  • com.google.guava:guava : 19.0
    • CVE-2018-10237
    • CVE-2023-2976

There is more vulnerabilities, I kept only the ones with CVSS >= 4

This jar app is included in a docker image:

FROM foo

COPY app.jar ./

I scan the jar of this application with nexus iq:

./nexus-iq-cli -i java-app-playground -e app.jar

Truncated output is:

IQ Server is alerting to Policy(policy-default-fail-for-security) [ Component(displayName=com.google.guava : guava : 19.0, hash=6ce200f6b23222af3d8a) [ Constraint(CVSS medium, high or critical) [Security Vulnerability Severity >= 4 because: Found security vulnerability CVE-2023-2976 with severity >= 4 (severity = 7.1), on condition 0] ]]

IQ Server is alerting to Policy(policy-default-fail-for-security) [ Component(displayName=com.google.guava : guava : 19.0, hash=6ce200f6b23222af3d8a) [ Constraint(CVSS medium, high or critical) [Security Vulnerability Severity >= 4 because: Found security vulnerability CVE-2018-10237 with severity >= 4 (severity = 5.9), on condition 0] ]]

And then the docker image with nexus container:

./nexus-iq-cli -i java-app-playground -e container:myimg:latest

Truncated output is:

IQ Server is alerting to Policy(policy-default-fail-for-security) [ Component(displayName=jar : com.google.guava:guava : 19.0, hash=fa20bc21fc82f64b21d1) [ Constraint(CVSS medium, high or critical) [Security Vulnerability Severity >= 4 because: Found security vulnerability CVE-2023-2976 with severity >= 4 (severity = 5.5), on condition 0] ]]

IQ Server is alerting to Policy(policy-default-fail-for-security) [ Component(displayName=jar : com.google.guava:guava : 19.0, hash=fa20bc21fc82f64b21d1) [ Constraint(CVSS medium, high or critical) [Security Vulnerability Severity >= 4 because: Found security vulnerability CVE-2018-10237 with severity >= 4 (severity = 5.9), on condition 0] ]]

First, there are some inconsistencies:

  • the hash of the component (com.google.guava) is not the same in the two scans
  • CVE-2023-2976 does not have the same severity (CVSS) is the two scans
  • the name of the component is not the same (prefixed with “jar :” when using nexus container)

Then I try to apply a waiver for CVE-2023-2976. I select the policy violation corresponding to CVE-2023-2976 that was triggered in the first scan and I create a waiver that should be applied for all components (because the app component names/hashes during a Nexus container scan are not the same).

I re-run the jar scan:

IQ Server is alerting to Policy(policy-default-fail-for-security) [ Component(displayName=com.google.guava : guava : 19.0, hash=6ce200f6b23222af3d8a) [ Constraint(CVSS medium, high or critical) [Security Vulnerability Severity >= 4 because: Found security vulnerability CVE-2018-10237 with severity >= 4 (severity = 5.9), on condition 0] ]]

And then the Nexus container scan:

IQ Server is alerting to Policy(policy-default-fail-for-security) [ Component(displayName=jar : com.google.guava:guava : 19.0, hash=fa20bc21fc82f64b21d1) [ Constraint(CVSS medium, high or critical) [Security Vulnerability Severity >= 4 because: Found security vulnerability CVE-2018-10237 with severity >= 4 (severity = 5.9), on condition 0] ]]

IQ Server is alerting to Policy(policy-default-fail-for-security) [ Component(displayName=jar : com.google.guava:guava : 19.0, hash=fa20bc21fc82f64b21d1) [ Constraint(CVSS medium, high or critical) [Security Vulnerability Severity >= 4 because: Found security vulnerability CVE-2023-2976 with severity >= 4 (severity = 5.5), on condition 0] ]]

As you can see the waiver is correctly applied in the first scan but not in the docker image scan, I don’t know why ?
