Which safest version of Nexus 3 we can go if my Nexus is at 2.14 now?

Hi we want to move from Nexus 2.14 to Nexus 3. but as i try it the Nexus 3.2.1-01 or any other nexus 3.x.x.x it says to move to 3.25.1 or later.

& if i try it for 3.25.1 it says “Incompatible editions: nexus/PRO-EVAL/2.14.21-02 to nexus/OSS/3.25.1-04”

please suggest.
thanks in advance

Hi Mahesh,
First you have to upgrade your Nexus Repository 2 to the latest 2.x version available. Then you have to use the latest 3.y version to migrate to and you have to use the same license types on both of them (OSS, Pro, or Trial Evaluation). Please refer to the documentation for details: Upgrading from Nexus Repository Manager 2

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Hi @dsawa
thanks for quick update.
will follow as you suggested.