Which users are Nexus Repository Manager Admins?

Continuing the discussion from Advanced Use Cases for the Nexus Repository Manager API:

An important piece of information for Nexus Administrators is understanding what users have access to which parts of the application, or more specifically, what users are assigned to a specific role. With the API and UI, it is easy to look up a specific user and see all of the roles assigned to that user. But doing the opposite takes a little more work.

By leveraging the Integrations API, you can upload this groovy script nexus-scripting-examples/listRolesToUsers.groovy at master · sonatype-nexus-community/nexus-scripting-examples · GitHub and use a REST-style call to run the script to get all the roles, or one specific role, and their assigned users.

Lookup all users with Nexus Administrator privileges:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/service/siesta/rest/v1/script/listrolestousers/run -u username:password -H 'content-type: text/plain' -d '{ "id": "nx-admin" }' | jq -c -r '.result' | jq .

I am using jq to format the result curl stdout as json to make it nice and pretty to read. Here are all the admin users in my demo instance:

  "nx-admin": [