YUM not listing rpms from my local hosted repository

I setup a Nexus Yum Repository within my local network. I’m able to push and pull rpms from the repo with the curl and wget commands. I then configured a repo file in /etc/yum.repo.d called nexus.repo. But yum will not list the rpms that I pushed into the yum host. The metadata on the host is being updated. Is this a yum client issue?
i have already clean the cache yum

Repo-id : nexus-mce-lm-snapshots
Repo-name : nexus-mce-lm-snapshots
Repo-revision: 1628775713
Repo-updated : Thu Aug 12 15:41:55 2021
Repo-pkgs : 556
Repo-size : 23 G
Repo-baseurl :
Repo-expire : 30 second(s) (last: Fri Aug 13 06:48:51 2021)
Filter : read-only:present
Repo-filename: /etc/yum.repos.d/nexus-mce-lm-snapshots.repo

I change the @IP of the repo by the FQDN and the problem is solved …

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