How can we create Capabilities (webhook) by API?


We were using goovy script to generate many repositories for each customer of our company and on top of creating the raw repositories we create also user, roles AND Capabilities.

As newer version of nexus have deprecated using groovy script I tried replacing the scripts by other REST API and the only thing missing is now the capabilities (creating a webhook on each repo).

Is there any plan on adding them in next versions ?
Is there any way I could continue creating them in an automated way after all the other REST have created user, roles and repos ?

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Not yet, but adding this functionality is on our radar. The issue tracking this is here:




it would be great to have a REST API for handling webhooks.

Customers of our CI/CD pipeline push their deployment artefacts into their repository in our Nexus instance. When they do, our deployment processor gets informed via webhook and starts the deployment process.

For creating repository, role and user for our customers, we can use REST APIs.

Only for creating the webhook, we have to use the Script API, because a REST API is missing.

It would be great if there was a REST API, so we wouldn’t have to care about uploading our scripts again after an upgrade or a replacement of the current Nexus instance.

