Nexus fails to start, spinning on "Storage facet cleanup" tasks

I was trying to move nexus into our nomad cluster, which required using EFS for storage. When starting up nexus spend 5 hours running “Storage facet cleanup” tasks.

Now going to back to a dedicated instance with the data directory on a mounted EBS volume, I am seeing the same thing. What could be happening?

2019-01-31 00:50:00,014+0000 INFO  [quartz-3-thread-8]  *SYSTEM - Task 'Storage facet cleanup' [] state change WAITING -> RUNNING
2019-01-31 00:50:00,020+0000 INFO  [quartz-3-thread-8]  *SYSTEM - Task 'Storage facet cleanup' [] state change RUNNING -> WAITING (OK)

Hang on. The above may be a decoy. It may even have started with EFS as the store. When accessed via haproxy the UI is not rendering. But when I go direct to the IP:PORT it does…

Ok, will have test with EFS again. It was just matter not having http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https in the haproxy config.

All decoy. It was simply the missing X-Forwarded-Proto header.