Nexus Repository 3 - Rundeck Plugin

How do I use it?

A plugin to allow use of Nexus Repository 3 with Rundeck.

The plugin provides the following new HTTP resources :

  • http://NEXUS_HOST/service/siesta/rundeck/maven/options/version : return a json array with the version of the matching artifacts. Parameters (all optional) :
    • r : repository ID to search in (null for searching in all indexed repositories)
    • g : groupId of the artifacts to match
    • a : artifactId of the artifacts to match
    • p : packaging of the artifacts to match (‘jar’, ‘war’, etc)
    • c : classifier of the artifacts to match (‘sources’, ‘javadoc’, etc)
    • l : limit - max number of results to return (default 10)
  • http://NEXUS_HOST/service/siesta/rundeck/maven/options/content : return artifact stream Parameters (all required) :
    • r : repository ID to search in (null for searching in all indexed repositories)
    • g : groupId of the artifacts to match
    • a : artifactId of the artifacts to match
    • v : artifact version

Note that if you want to retrieve the artifact from your Rundeck script, you can use content api, example is:

wget "http://NEXUS_HOST/service/siesta/rundeck/maven/options/content?r=reponame&g=${option.groupId}&a=${option.artifactId}&v=${option.version}" --content-disposition

Where do I get this?

Who can I contact about it?