How to migrate data repositories from one nexus 3 to another

Hi, I have installed nexus3 on a serverA and I want to migrate all its data repositories to another nexus3 on serverB. I do not have idea to start this process.I found this Deployment Models for Availability and Reliability in Nexus Repository - Sonatype Guides link for reference. I am new in this field so please suggest.

@nehait3047 We started working on If you are a pro customer, you should be able to take advantage of the features. In the upcoming 3.24.0 release, we will have Raw and Maven format support for export and import.

Ok. Any idea when we’ll have this feature. Because on priority I want to move client data one location to another in nexus3 . Is there any other path to do so like with script,ansible or any other method.

@nehait3047 we are releasing 3.24.0 in the first half of June.

Right now I am using oss version so is there any scripting method to do this task . Is this helpful GitHub - sonatype-nexus-community/nexus-repository-import-scripts: A few scripts for importing artifacts into Nexus Repository ??

@nehait3047 The script you pointed out imports artifacts from NEXUS 2 to NEXUS 3. It won’t help your situation.