Migrate a repo from Nexus server to another Nexus server


We have Nexus testing and production servers with OSS version 3.26.1. I need to migrate a repo on testing server to production server and would like to know if this is possible. I saw that there would be export and import on 3.24, but is this feature limited to Pro version only? Or possible on OSS version?

If OSS version is also possible, can you please provide how to export and import?


Hi Chang, thanks posting. Yes, import/export is a PRO-only feature. Now, if you publish such formats as Maven, npm, and NuGetm, consider this repo to help you perform those migrations: GitHub - sonatype-nexus-community/nexus-repository-import-scripts: A few scripts for importing artifacts into Nexus Repository

Hi Dulani,

Thank you very much for your response and link. When I looked the link, it says migrate from Nexus 2 to Nexus 3. But we have Nexus 3 for both testing and production server, so I would like to ask if this works on migrating from Nexus 3 to Nexus 3 server?
