quick question. Is it possible to migrate blobstores residing on S3 back to local file storage while using the community version of Nexus?
Searching through the documenation, this Change Repository Blob Store looked promising, but the actual task is not there, because of OrientDB.
I’ve tried the naive way, duplicating the blobstore to some local volume and then pointing to it from within Nexus. However this did not work, in the sense that I do not see anything using the browse functionality. Running a reconciliation/repair task did not do anything, they finish in like a few seconds. Perhaps the structure is different from each other.
So, is this task even possible with the community version?
Hey there, @cheapsolutionarchitect :). So, no, the Change Repository Blob Store is a Pro feature. It’s designed to work alongside other storage flexibility features like blob store grouping, so you can add, remove, or migrate storage at runtime.
I’m curious, what’s your use case? Are you moving a Repo deployment from AWS to a data center? Or still running in AWS but using different backing storage (e.g. for performance reasons)?
It’s due to a (lift & shift) migration away from the AWS to the GCP. I know there is a community maintained GCP-plugin, but I’m not entirely convinced, because it lags some versions behind, needs firestore for additional meta data (that the aws-s3 backend doesn’t need) and so on. I don’t use Nexus at it’s full potential (no HA, only 3 users, no heavy stuff like containers) and therefore running the product in K8s while using some blockstorage (which is snapshotted regularly) seems like a sensible approach. As a first step I might just chain them together, run a few builds to pull the libraries and and see where this gets me.